Monday, July 4, 2011

This is Getting Harder Every Day

So I didn't update on my weigh-in.  I'm sure you can guess why.  I had a gain.  I was not happy.  It's all my fault, though.  I didn't track my nightly snacks very closely.  Also, you know, girl troubles.  I'd rather not talk about it too much.

See, the thing is, I'm having a lot of trouble with my schedule.  I drive all the time.  I'm playing taxi for a cousin who gets off work at 2 AM.  Sleep is becoming a bit of a luxury.  As we all know, not sleeping contributes to weight gain.  So do cookies.

I'm going to have to stop eating my mother's cooking, as well.  She tends to be one of those who just tosses a bunch of stuff into a pot and calls it a meal.  Granted, it's usually really tasty but it's darn hard to track.  I mean, she makes this really great potato salad with mayo and mustard and eggs and I have no idea how much any of those there is.  So how do you track that?  I ate half a cup so, yeah, I'm minding my portions but geez. It could be anywhere from two points to ten.  *Shrugs*  I guess I'll just have to start doing all my own cooking.

And that really sucks hard.  I don't want to be all snotty about food but I don't want to be fat any more, either.  People don't get that.  I don't want to say that they want me to stay fat because that would be really paranoid but sometimes it really seems that way.  Status quo, and all that.

I don't know.  I haven't been exercising as much as I probably should.  In fact, I'm gonna go do that right after I finish this post.  I did walk yesterday at the park.  That's what I really need to work on.  Exercise.  I hate it so.  I know I'll feel better, though, when I get on with it.

OK.  I went for my walk before I finished the post.  I just got back.  Emmett, the world's coolest dog, almost took my hand off but we made good time.  We only did fifteen minutes but that took us about half a mile.  I know it isn't much but I'm in really poor condition.  If I were a stamp, I'd be worthless.

I know, I know.  I'm rambling again.  To make up for it, and since I don't like to post pictures of myself but I'd still like to give you an idea of what I look like, here's a picture of a fat cat.