Saturday, June 25, 2011

Tha's What I'M Talkin' 'Bout!

I'm really bad at slang. I sound ridiculous. It even look ridiculous when I type it. Please do not mock me. It's out of my control, really.

Now to the point! I lost three pounds this week and I'm now at 12 pounds total. I started, for those of you keeping score at home, at 294. Yep. Just shy of the big three. I'm now at 282 even. I know, I know. I'm still gargantuan. I am, however, less gargantuan than I was when I started! This is a good thing!

Also, I started walking yesterday for reals. At least, I did actually walk. I'm going to kick it in officially tomorrow evening with record keeping and everything. How far can a big ol' fatty walk before her heart stops? Yesterday I did about half a mile. It wasn't much but at my fitness level it's better to start slow. Actually, I'm doing a plan from Weight Watchers that's specifically for people who are really just getting started. I've exercised before, of course, and I could probably do more than fifteen minutes at a time but I'm hoping that starting with such short sessions and building will keep me motivated. Fifteen minutes doesn't feel like such a chore and I don't dread the idea. Emmett, the world's most awesome dog, will be joining me. He loves his leash more than he loves me. He also has a tendency to pull but we're working on it. Wish me luck!!!

Tight Pants Update: I wore the dreaded favorite pants on Thursday. Hallelujah! I can breathe! Not only that but I didn't have to lie down to zip them up! I still have some serious overhang of belly and they aren't perfectly comfortable. They grab my tush pretty heartily, too. Nevertheless, I felt great! Twelve pounds and I'm already getting back into my clothes! As soon as I finish this post I'm going to go check out a few other items I haven't worn for a while. If some of them fit I'm going to feel like a svelte Dixie goddess.

Actually, if you'll give me a few moments, I'm going to go try some things on now. I'll be right back with a report...

OK. A couple of things fit better (hooray) but a few don't. Mostly tops are looking better, pants and skirts are a wash. (Ha! Get it? A wash? Because they're clothes???) I'm going to keep working on it, though. I'll be back in my slightly skinnier clothes in no time!


  1. Great job on the pants! And turn your word verification off por favor!

  2. Thanks! I'm doing my level best. Also, word verification is OFF!
